APRIL 3, 2010
11:00 AM
Meeting was called to order by President Grant Blackwell.
Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance
All Board Members both old and new were introduced:
The 2009 Board has worked closely with our County Commissioners over the past year dealing with the following issues that had to do with Grayton.
1. Beach Driving IssueAs of January 12th the rules and regulations for getting a permit to drive on the beach has changed. A property owner in Walton County must have a home on his property to apply for a permit. They must have had a permit for the year 2009. Only one permit per household will be issued. The renewal date for permits will be from June 1st to August 1st, after that time any property owner who did not renew their permit will lose it. The county has agreed to look at this issue again in October. There will be 20 Charter Boat Permits issued each year.
2. Hotz Street One Way Issue
The County Commissioners did a last minute reprieve on this issue before taking the final step to make Hotz one way at the request of the Walton County Fire Chief. Restriping, blocking off of certain areas was done. It is up to the residents and our guests to be sure and park in the designated areas and to also make sure that all vehicles are not sticking out pass the designated parking area.
3. The Board is seeking approval of a change in the bylaws that would allow the Board when speaking to an issue that would affect Grayton to speak in one voice for our association. As of the meeting this was not permitted by the GBNA Bylaws. The proposed change:
ORIGINAL:5. The Board shall have the general power to act for the association in the conduct of normal business. The Board may not take a position representing the association before any governmental body without a vote of the Association under section IV.4. above.\
PROPOSED CHANGE: (Changes in red)
The Board shall have the general power to act for the Association in the conduct of normal business. The Board may take a position representing the Association before any governmental body without a vote of the Association if by unanimous board member vote, the board deems that immediate action is needed and in the best interest of the Association. Effective April 3, 2010.After discussion, motion made and seconded- Item 5 of the GBNA Bylaw is approved.
Projects Completed or On Going:
1. Communication with Our Members
a. Ann Morrell gave an update on the Grayton Beach Blog and also the Grayton Beach Facebook. Both are updated almost weekly and members were encouraged to bookmark both and check in often.
(BLOG: http://graytonbeachflorida.blogspot.com/
(facebook link is on blog)
b. Newsletters, and membership applications were sent out in mid January, and email reminders were sent out both in February and March. Ann encouraged membership to return membership applications and dues as soon as they are received to help the Association avoid more mailing fees. She also said that another mail out would be going out in early May for those that did not have an email.
2. Grant shared information on the new radar sign on Defuniak and the three sign posts that had been put up on Defuniak.
3. Landscaping of the Triangle, and the Grayton Beach Entry, and Holiday decorating of the areas were shared by Grant.
4. A status report was given on the lake accesses, bike racks, and a kayak rack at the community boat launch.
5. Richard Veldman reminded the Board and members that the county collects lots of revenue for trash pickup. The period between Memorial Day and Labor Day should be having 3 pickups a week per county verbal agreement. (Ronnie Bell and Lonnie Siegler). Richard shared that he is being stonewalled by the county which has diverted these funds to other departments. Richard requested that all GBNA members contact the County Commissioners to request help.
Continuous Concerns by Residents:
a. New road build up promotes flooding in yards
b. Auburn and Shady Lane roads in New Grayton have potholes- even though they are private roads the public uses them to get to beach access-can county help?
c. Parking- there is no parking ordinances for Walton County unless blocking ingress/egress/fire truck etc. Sheriff is working on developing an ordinance for Grayton.
d. Alley traffic-Lydia alley needs signs preventing through traffic for vehicles.
Billy Buzzett has put together a Grayton Beach History Presentation with help from Van Ness Butler and Malcolm Patterson and Gretchen Infinger The presentation is incomplete and needs your help - donate photos (they will be returned) for inclusion in presentation.
ReplyDeletePlease post as a GB history link. Thanks, gretchen infinger