Grayton has lots of underground utilities including TV/internet cables, gas lines, phone lines, and electrical lines. Before you DIG please call 811 annd the companies will come out and mark where the lines are. There is no cost for this service.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Lottery Drawing Monday May 16th

Tomorrow is the big day of the first Beach Permit Lottery drawing. There will be an 150 new cars issued a permit that missed out on the original Driving on the Beach Permit Ordinance voted on in early 2010.  After reducing the number of cars from 1000 + down to about 800...the Commissioners, who's original goal was to reduce the number of cars on the beach, decided that they needed to up the number of cars and came up with the new ordinance that allowed the annual lottery. The only drawback only property owners that lived in Walton county could apply. If you were a non resident property owner, you did not qualify for the lottery. Then at the last minute before the final vote, the board said...we need to allow non property residents the ability to drive on the beach they came up with the qualification of having a Voter's Registration card.  I have asked the Clerk of Courts' office to provide me with a break down of the "lottery winners" as to owing property vs. owning a Voter's Registration Card. I will post this information as soon as I receive it.
A friendly reminder....if you are grandfathered in with your Beach Permit...don't forget that if you fail to renew it by June will lose it for ever.

1 comment:

  1. Does anyone know where there is a list of the winners? I guess since I have heard nothing I did not win.
