Grayton has lots of underground utilities including TV/internet cables, gas lines, phone lines, and electrical lines. Before you DIG please call 811 annd the companies will come out and mark where the lines are. There is no cost for this service.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

January 25th GBNA Board Minutes

The Meeting was called to order by Grant Blackwell, President, at the Grayton Coast Properties Conference Room at 2:00 PM, January 25, 2011. Board attendees in addition to Grant were Mike Valentine, Ann Morrell, Larry Jackson, and Kitty Taylor, host. Billy Buzzett and Scott Provow were absent

Minutes: October 5th minutes were approved by board member E-mails and posted to GBNA Blog.

Financial Report: Ann Morrell presented an update of our GBNA Finances as of January 25, 2011.

May 5, 2010 Balances: Checking Account: $3,467.24 Savings Account: $10,614.99

Checks written:

#1291 Grant Blackwell .$59.90
#1292 Blue Mountain Lawn $45.00
#1293 Blue Mountain Lawn $45.00
#1294 Blue Mountain Lawn $177.50
#1295 Taking Care of Business $70.00
#1296 Blue Mountain Lawn $45.00
# 1297 Larry Jackson $97.27
Total Expenses: $539.67

Deposits $ 25.00 (dues for 2010)

$ 34.29 (Savings Interest)

January 25, 2011 Balances: Checking: $2,957.57 Savings: $10,649.28

Member Directory: The board discussed developing an updated membership directory. Information about the directory will be included in the annual membership packet to be mailed in February. Members will be able to elect what information they would like to have included in their individual listings.

By-Laws Amendment: The board agreed to a membership vote to an amendment to the by-laws. The amendment allows the board to speak on membership’s behalf to the governmental organizations under certain conditions (see enclosure). The formal vote documents a simple majority of Association votes following the show of hands approval at last year’s annual meeting.

President’s Communications: The board addressed and approved a January 30, 2011 Association Letter to the membership. Letter will provide update on this year’s activities and events. Topics included will be the Oil Spill, economic recovery, beach permits and parking ordinances.

2011-2012 Board Candidates: The board reviewed need to identify candidates for next year’s board in order to include the ballot in the annual membership mailing. The January letter will invite members to become candidates for the 2011-2012 Board.

Sign Ordinance: The topic of signage in the village was covered. Over the last year, Gulf Trace established an uniform signage requirement for all homes in their area. The board agreed to solicit member comments to establishing a voluntary effort on signage in the village.

Annual Membership Mailing: The timing and content of the mailings was discussed to include dues request, membership information, Annual Meeting, 2011-2012 Board Ballot and member comments. February was the expected date of mailing. The GBNA Annual Membership Meeting and BBQ will be Saturday, April 23, 2011 over the Easter weekend.

Parking and Beach Permit Ordinances: The County is working to develop a Grayton Beach parking ordinance and continues to work the Beach Permit Ordinance. Both ordinances will be reviewed at the February 8 Commissioners Meeting. Ann Morrell continues to maintain the status on the Grayton Beach Neighborhood Association BLOG at . The site has had more than 21,000 hits as members have followed the Association’s work to get the ordinances to fit our needs.

Welcome Triangle Lighting: Larry Jackson discussed need to identify alternatives to current lighting of the Welcome to Grayton sign. He will look for solar power options to reduce need for extended buried power lines, permits, and meters.

Grayton Beach State Park: It was suggested that the Association as a good neighbor to the State Park routinely contribute to the Friends of Grayton Beach State Park. The Friends of Grayton Beach State Park provide funds and labor to improve the Park’s facilities. The State Park’s maintenance of the Pine Street beach access has been superb. The board approved a donation of $100.

Old Business: The board agreed to table Logo, Lake Accesses, Kayak Rack, Membership Meeting Planning, Grayton-Titled Areas, and Historic Grayton Beach and other topics to the February Meeting.

The meeting was adjourned at 3:45 PM.

Submitted by Larry Jackson, Secretary Upon approval, these minutes are posted on Grayton Beach Neighborhood Association BLOG at , The Minutes are cataloged at

Enclosure - By-laws Amendment
Association By-laws Amendment

Following attending members’ acclamation approval at the April 3, 2010 General Membership Meeting, this ballot item documents the simple majority of all Association votes to By-laws Amendment below.

Reference: GBNA By-Laws,

Article IV - Association Meetings

4. Quorum: The presence at the meeting, in person or by numbered, written proxy of members entitled to cast 50% of the votes shall constitute a quorum for the conduct of normal business. For all other matters such as any action or position before a governmental body on behalf of the Association there will be required a simple majority of all Association votes.

Article V - Directors and Officers

Original: 5. The Board shall have the general power to act for the association in the conduct of normal business. The Board may not take a position representing the association before any governmental body without a vote of the Association under section IV.4. above.

Proposed Change: 5.

The Board shall have the general power to act for the Association in the conduct of normal business. The Board may take a position representing the Association before any governmental body without a vote of the Association if by unanimous board member vote, the board deems that immediate action is needed and in the best interest of the Association as an exception to section IV.4 above.

Yes for change as stated No to proposed change

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