Grayton has lots of underground utilities including TV/internet cables, gas lines, phone lines, and electrical lines. Before you DIG please call 811 annd the companies will come out and mark where the lines are. There is no cost for this service.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

The Board Meeting was called to order by Grant Blackwell, President, at Scott Provow’s office at 4:00 P.M. October 5, 2012. 

Board members in attendance included: Grant Blackwell, Scott Provow, Billy Buzzett, Bill Wallace and Andy Gray.  Jean Silva and Kitty Taylor were absent. 

Minutes:  The April 7th meeting minutes, which included the 2012 election of officers done via email, were presented:

·         Grant Blackwell – President

·         Billy Buzzett -Vice President

·         Kitty Taylor -Secretary

·         Andy Grey –Treasurer

Billy moved to approve the minutes.  Scott seconded the motion.

Financial Report: Andy presented a report for the period May 1 – October 5, 2012 (attached at the end of these minutes).  Billy moved to approve the report and Scott seconded the motion.
Memorial Tree Planting:  Board will proceed in planning process for this program.  Due to the cost per tree and delicate nature of survival in Grayton, we will need some professional assistance.  Grant will consult with Ford/Tory for advice on tree type, locations, minimum numbers to plant, care and maintenance, replacement of trees that don’t survive, etc.  Will need to determine appropriate plaques and cost per tree.  Board will communicate pla
Grayton Beach Beautification/Work Day: Board members will propose a date after the meeting and will communicate to membership.  Red Bar is contributing $500 to the cause.  Ideas: tent, hot dogs, etc. 
Weed Control on Lake: The state has permit from the DEP.  Is working with home owners in conjunction with Grayton Beach State Park.
Other Issues to Discuss or Table (some of these are communications from members and should be discussed to determine if within the scope of the GBNA):
Resolution to support funding for a Western Lake Bridge: The pedestrian/bike lane on the two current road bridges is dangerously close to traffic.  The board feels that a separate ped/bike bridge at each end of lake is needed.  GBNA and Seaside have written letters to the County in support of this.  Latest word from the county is that TDC funds will be used to pay for this.  Public input will be solicited.  A resolution from GBNA is not necessary at this time.
Parking Solutions: Parking issues of Grayton discussed and no motion made for further board attention at this time. Board will revisit the issue at future meetings.
Varnish Don Sawyer’s Artwork on Regional Utilities Fence:  Need a volunteer to apply varnish to the paintings on the fence.  This will be done.  This will be done during the Nov 15th Grayton Beach Beautification Work day
Report on Speed Control Sign: Grant Blackwell will take over responsibility for Speed control sign from former board member Larry Jackson and will ask Larry for assistance when needed.
Charter Boats vending on Scenic Corridor - Entrance to Grayton, complaint from member: Board discussed complaint about charter boats vending at entrance to Grayton and there was no motion for further action.
Hibiscus - complaint from member about noise: Board discussed noise concerns of residents relative to two local businesses on Defuniak Street.  Board will continue to monitor concerns of members going into the spring.  No motion made for immediate action.
Ice Machine at Grayt Coffee - Complaint from member about noise: Board determined this is not a board issue, but Grant will discuss this with Grayt Coffee management.
Old Notice of hearing signs - complaint from member: Board discussed multiple complaints about the notice of hearing signs being left up. No board action recommended but Grant Blackwell said he would address it on Grayton Beautification Work day on Nov 15th.
Yellow sand on beach - complaint from member: Board discussed the complaint and no motion was offered.
Letter to rental companies supporting conversion to NON-HANGING street signs for rental homes: Discussed the complaint and no motion was offered.
Neighborhood Plan: Billy Buzzett briefed the board on the opportunity for drafting and disseminating a neighborhood plan for approval by Grayton Beach property owners.  This would be a way for the community to better control its destiny.  It wouldn’t need to be very lengthy or complex.  All owners would necessarily have the opportunity to provide input.   
Plan elements could include: protection of historical integrity, height limits, setbacks, beach driving, residential and commercial parking, boat ramp, vacation rental signs, lighting, traffic and landscaping. Once approved, a plan could serve as a one-stop approval for such improvements that the community has sought (such as speed bumps, landscaping on Hotz, etc.).  Without a plan, these improvements have taken several months of board member time.  Billy made a motion to research and draft a plan.  Andy seconded the motion.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:30 P.M. 
Financial Report as of Oct 1, 2012:
Bank Trust bank accounts:
Checking Account Balance:                                          4,743.55
Deposits (2012 membership dues)                            225.00
Interest earned                                                                3.06
Expenses (sum of checks written)                             1,032.94
            Blue Mountain Lawn & Property Maintenance                 300.00
            Taking Care of Business (Lawn & Flower bed maint.)     661.50
            Andrew Gray (reimbursement for annual P.O. box rental
            @ $58.00 and 24 stamped envelopes @ $13.44)                      71.44
Savings Account Balance                                                        2,438.91
Interest earned                                                                     8.30
Service charges                                                                      20.00
Transferred $562.00 from checking to savings on Oct 2nd (to avoid future service charges).  New balances:
Checking Account:                                                                          4,181.55
Savings Account:                                                                            3,000.91
Also, we received notice in June that Bank Trust will soon “merge into” Trust Mark Bank.
Respectfully submitted by Andy Gray



  1. Yellow sand? Could that be like yellow snow?

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