Grayton has lots of underground utilities including TV/internet cables, gas lines, phone lines, and electrical lines. Before you DIG please call 811 annd the companies will come out and mark where the lines are. There is no cost for this service.

Sunday, March 25, 2012


The Meeting was called to order by Grant Blackwell, President, at the Grayton Coast Properties Conference Room at 1:00 PM, March 9, 2012  Board attendees in addition to Grant were Ann Morrell, Larry Jackson, Andy Gray, Bill Wallace and Billy Buzzett.  Scott Provow was absent.  Kitty Taylor, 2012-13 Board candidate, also attended.

Minutes:  September 23, 2011 Meeting minutes were approved by board member E-mails and posted to GBNA Blog.
Objective of the Meeting:  The Board reviewed activities and responsibilities for the upcoming Annual Membership Meeting, 11AM, April 7, 2012.  The Board appreciates Shirley Sahlie’s offer to use her lot for the meeting.   

Membership Renewal Report:  Ann Morrell presented an update of Membership Renewals and GBNA Financial Balances as of March 9, 2012.  Total of 272 Grayton Beach property owners were sent renewal packets on February 23rd.  Renewals received to date are 112 for $3,110.
Current Balances:   Checking: $, 3197 Savings:  $10,730 Total: $13,927.

DeFuniak Lift Station Art Project:  The Board congratulated Ann Morrell’s work with Don Sawyer to use his donated art to mitigate the visual impact of the Regional Utilities structure on DeFuniak St.  Ann successfully worked the Regional Utilities, County Planning and Development and Commissioner’s offices to get the project approved. 

DeFuniak Street Shoulder, Commercial Area:  Grant reported that the Roads Department would be covering the west shoulder with aggregate soon to cover the dumped asphalt area.
Friends of Grayton Beach State Park Contribution:  A $100 donation to the Friends of Grayton Beach State Park was approved by the Board via email.

Hotz Avenue Beautification:  Grant and Billy discussed their on-going project to replace the Hotz no-parking asphalt areas with landscaping.  GBNA is recognized as a developer by the county in order to cut out landscaping plots on the street.  At the September 23, 2011 meeting, the board approved a $5,000 budget target for the project.  Estimates of actual costs are pending including estimates for long term maintenance.
Other Beautification:  The board discussed other projects including adding landscaping along the west side of DeFuniak Street down to Rivard.

Uniquely Grayton Beach:  Billy reported that he expected to get approval to paint the old aviation navigation aid (north arrow and village name) on DeFuniak Street.  The previous aid had be covered over in the early nineties resurfacing project.
Speed Bumps:  The Board discussed need to revisit reinforcing the speed bumps that were flattened during the repaving project last year.  Speed and vehicle, bike and pedestrian separation are a major concern.  

Boat/Kayak Rack, Boat Ramp:  The Board tabled this project because of other priorities.

Banfill/Lydia Lake Access Cleanup:  Grant reported that TDC will review need to remove the invasive lake reeds north of the access.
Ordinances:  Parking and Noise:  It was reported there is a parking ordinance recently approved for South Walton County.  The Board discussed the relationship of member noise complaints.  The sources are commercial establishments who are now using public parking areas to handle the flow over from their commercial parking areas.  Billy offered to review the parking and noise ordinance issues prior to the Annual Meeting.  Grant and Billy met with Sheriff Mike Adkinson to get more background on the issues.

Beach Driving:  The Board agreed to continue to object to the provision that beach driving lottery winners must be residents of Walton County.  The Board believes Grayton Beach property owners should be eligible for the permits as well.

Directory:  The Board agreed to provide copies of the 2012 Membership Directory at the Annual Meeting.  Larry Jackson will take lead in providing the data to Grant and Bill.  Bill agreed to produce the final project.

Annual Meeting Planning:

-       Grant will invite County Sheriff Mike Atkinson as a guest.  This will provide a good venue to discuss parking and noise enforcement as it relates to Grayton Beach.

-       Grant and Scott will review sources and obtain for the tent, chairs, and tables.

-       Kitty will do the post card reminder mailing.

-       Ann and Scott will get the luncheon supplies.

-       It was recommended to get at least one Porta-john for the meeting.

30A Western Lake Bike Bridges:  Billy discussed the issue of safety for bike riders on the bridges over Western Lake.  The Board agreed that the Association should work with neighboring villages to get automobile and bike/predistran separated crossings over the lake as a part of the 30A Bike Trail.  Billy will draft a petition as a project for the 2012-13 Board.
Grayton Turtle Logo Trademark:  Grant is finishing the trade mark process for the turtle logo.  The are several products where the logo can be used to highlight Grayton Beach to owners and visitors. 
The meeting was adjourned at 2:45 PM. 

Submitted by Larry Jackson, Secretary Upon approval, these minutes are posted on Grayton Beach Neighborhood Association BLOG at , The Minutes are cataloged at 

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