The Meeting was called to order at the 30A Resorts Conference Room at 4:00 PM by Grant Blackwell, President. Board attendees in addition to Grant were Scott Provow, Ann Morrell, Larry Jackson, Kitty Taylor, and Billy Buzzett. Mike Valentine was absent. Shirley Sahlie also was present. Grant suggested the Board work this year to complete many of the past Old Business agenda items.
Minutes: Larry Jackson presented minutes for acceptance and posting of April 3 Annual Meeting Minutes and May 25th Minutes. Board concurred.
Membership: Ann Morrell reported 171 lots were under Association membership.
Financial Report: Ann Morrell presented an update of our GBNA Finances as of September 30, 2010
Checking Account Balance: .$3,467.24
$44.00 Mailbox yearly rental
$45 Blue Mountain Lawn Care
$50 (donations)
Savings Account Balance: $10,614.99
Logo: The Board has been exploring ideas for a Grayton Beach Logo. The Logo funding will be incorporated in the Historic Grayton Beach grant proposal described below.
Lake Accesses: The Board agreed to follow up with the County Public Works about any plans to survey the Western Lake accesses.
Kayak Rack: Volunteer effort was discussed to clean up the Boat Ramp/Dock Access east of Banfill Street. A boat/kayak rack was discussed to organize the day storage of boats and kayaks. The Board agreed to discuss with TDC and some of the vendors to see if they would contribute to the project.
Open Commercial Dumpsters: Neighbors near the dumpsters have reported problems with the odor and the feral animals. Shorty’s has added locks at our request. The Red Bar does not have locks but has improved closing the dumpsters when reminded of the issue. The board will follow-up with a letter to all Grayton businesses asking for their continued attention to this issue.
Zoning: The Board discussed the recent change of four lots from Residential to Neighborhood Commercial and what should be the Association policy about addressing zoning changes. The Board agreed to be neutral in the presenting information to the membership on our various means of communication. Association members should be aware of facts of the proposed zoning changes and decide for themselves. A new Comments Posting feature has been added to the Grayton Beach Neighborhood Association BLOG, , to provide a venue for members to post their comments on Grayton Beach topics.
Garbage pickup: Ann Morrell reported on the initiative by Richard Veldman to get Waste Management to schedule the extra pickup during the summer season. The Board discussed the need for an extra weekend pickup during the summer season. In Ann’s discussions with Public Works, they suggested options including changing dates, a fee for extra pickups or that the association work everybody in the community have adequate sealed garbage containers.
Annual Membership Meeting and Party: The Board approved the recommendation to conduct the GBNA Annual Membership Meeting on Saturday, April 23, 2011 over the Easter weekend.
Parking ordinance: The County is working to develop a Grayton Beach parking ordinance. Without the ordinance, the Sheriff Department cannot issue parking tickets unless there is safety issue or the parked vehicle is blocking access to and from private property.
Annual Membership Drive: The annual membership letter and the membership survey and dues application will be developed for an early January mailing. While mailing bulk rate saved the Association mailing costs, we didn’t get returns on letters with bad addresses. We had some complaints about not getting the notice for last year’s meeting. Ann Morrell and Larry Jackson will develop the procedures for this coming year. It was agreed we will use first class mail with stamped return envelopes. We also will survey the 2010 real-estate records to identify new property owners in Grayton.
Landscaping and mowing on DeFuniak Street:
Blue Mountain Landscaping continues to maintain the Triangle. At end of season, the Beauty Berry bushes will be trimmed down followed by the Dunes Sunflowers. Seasonal decorations will be placed around the sign.
The association continues to maintain the west side of DeFuniak Street and the shrubs around the Entry Sign. Grant Blackwell has been mowing the shoulders. The County said they would mow the area, however they have not followed through. The Board approved hiring a service to mow periodically from the Pine Street corner up to the pump station. It was suggested asking commercial business facing the mowing area to contribute to the cost of the mowing.
Drainage: The Board discussed the standing water drainage problem at the southwest corner of Hotz and Garfield. Grant will discuss with Public Works to see if they can improve drainage.
Street Signs: At request of a member to put street signs for a couple of our non-county maintained roads, Larry Jackson worked with County Roads Office to get blue and white street signs placed for Sandy Lane and Grayton Trail. Green and white street signs indicate a county maintained street.
Rent/Sale Signage: The Board discussed the defined signage program that the Gulf Trace Home Owners Association mandated for their residents compared to the various signs on Grayton Beach streets. Grant proposed to talk with some of the rental/real estate agents in Grayton. Gulf Trace also has a standardized look for their garbage bends.
Historical Grayton Beach Project: Billy Buzzett updated his work on the Historic Grayton Beach Project. State grants may be available to fund information pamphlets and other education materials. Billy is working a grant proposal with the Florida Secretary of State’s Office and has a November submission date.
Friends of Grayton Beach State Park: Larry Jackson reported he was talking to the Friends of Grayton Beach State Park to see what activities they are involved in and where we as an association might have an interest.
“Grayton”-Titled Developments: Shirley addressed concern about the use of “Grayton” or “Grayton Beach” in some area developments outside of Grayton Beach that leads to confusion with out-of-state renters and visitors. She suggested the Board look into ways to restrict the use of Grayton to the village and the State Park.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:45 PM.
Submitted by Larry Jackson, Secretary Upon approval, these minutes are posted on Grayton Beach Neighborhood Association BLOG at , The Minutes are cataloged at
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