Grayton has lots of underground utilities including TV/internet cables, gas lines, phone lines, and electrical lines. Before you DIG please call 811 annd the companies will come out and mark where the lines are. There is no cost for this service.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Approved 5-25-2010 GBNA Board Minutes

The May Meeting was called to order at 4:00 PM by Grant Blackwell, Outgoing 2009-2010 President at the 30A Resorts Conference Room. Attendees included all the 2010-2011 Board Members and Shirley Sahlie, Immediate Past Treasurer/Director.
First agenda item was the election of the 2010-2011 officers. The board nominated, seconded and approved the board leadership positions: The board positions are as follows:
Name (Board Term) 2010-2011 Position
Grant Blackwell (2010-2011) President
Scott Provow (2009-2011) Vice President
Larry Jackson (2010-2012) Secretary
Ann Morrell (2010-2012) Treasurer
Billy Buzzett (2010-2012) Director
Kitty Taylor (2009-2011) Director
Mike Valentine (2009-2011) Director

Ann Morrell presented the April Financial Statement.
Checking  Starting Balance: $9,052.06
Savings Balance $10,435.74
Deposits: +$550.00
Interest +$0.69
Checks Written : -$ 5,698.74
Ending Balance $3,904.01
Ending Balance Checking and Savings Accounts $ 14,339.75

Checks written in April:
Scott Provow. $579.25, Annual Meeting Tent Rental
Scott Provow $552.68, Annual Meeting Food and Beverage
Grant Blackwell 4003.35, Radar Traffic Sign
Butch Phillips $349.26, Annual Meeting Support
Blue Mountain Lawn $170.00, Entry Triangle Landscaping
Larry Jackson $89.69, Spring Decorations, Triangle
Ann Morrell, $125.08, Mailing Expenses

Ann Morrell reported that membership dues collections for 2010-2011 as of May 1st included170 paid lots for $4,750.  

The board discussed the budgeted fixed expenses and capital expenditures i.e. Radar Sign, and other future projects. The board reviewed additional revenue options including affiliate memberships for Grayton Beach businesses, increasing annual dues, GBNA BLOG sponsorships.

During the Annual Meeting Review, the board noted the attendees enjoyed the setting with special thanks to Shirley Sahlie for use of her yard. Seventy-nine members and families and forty-one guests attended. The tent, tables and chairs proved to a great setting for members and guests to socialize. Highlights included the food prepared by the Provows, member discussions at the business meeting and the Historic Grayton Beach presentation by Billy Buzzett coupled with stories of the early years by our long-term residents. Party picture pictures are posted at

The board reviewed upcoming activities and responsibilities.
Larry Jackson, Secretary, was assigned the task to collect, document and store past records, data, minutes, and financials reports currently stored by Shirley Sahlie.

The board approved placing appropriate flags and decorations for the upcoming Memorial Day weekend.

Landscaping reports were presented by Larry Jackson, Entry Triangle, and Grant Blackwell, entry road mowing and plants on west side, Hwy 293 – DeFuniak Springs.

Larry Jackson reported the Radar Sign battery connection has been adjusted to cover evening periods.

The Board discussed status of downtown parking and concern to maintain two-way traffic. County Deputies are supposed to be out enforcing the proper parking areas.

The County moved contingency Oil Spill materials to an off beach location.

The Beach Permits for vehicles and commercial fisherman period is now open.

The Board discussed the Fourth of July Parade and the post parade party sponsored by Coastal Realty. Ann Morrell and Grant Blackwell discussed the change of the Rags to Riches Sailing Regalia from July 4th to July 3rd, 11 AM.  the traffic congestion with the Parade and positioning of Regalia boats would not work. The Regalia sponsors agreed to the change.
See Regalia Information at

The Board discussed implementation procedures resulting from Annual Meeting proposal to amend the GBNA By-Laws to allow Board to represent the Association at governmental bodies when there is not sufficient time to poll the entire membership. A member of the Board may represent the association based upon a unanimous approval by the entire Board. A review will be completed to complete the amendment to the By-Laws. See proposed change at

Billy Buzzett reported his work on the Historic Grayton Beach Project. His presentation on YouTube has attracted a lot of attention. Working with the Florida Secretary of State’s Office, Billy has found resources and ideas for enriching the uniqueness of Historic Grayton Beach. State grants may be available to fund information pamphlets and other education materials. Coordination with Walton TDC is underway.

The Board reviewed annual expenses and revenues and procedures for reimbursement for GBNA related expenses. As a general rule, directors can submit expenses for up to $500 with original receipts. Board members should seek approval from the board for expenses above the limit. 

The meeting was adjourned at 6:00 PM.

Upon approval, these minutes are posted on Grayton Beach Neighborhood Association BLOG at

The Minutes are cataloged at

Submitted by Larry Jackson, Secretary


  1. Nice to see the minutes again.

  2. Ann, Thanks for explaining the delay in posting minutes.

    Joseph H.
