Grayton has lots of underground utilities including TV/internet cables, gas lines, phone lines, and electrical lines. Before you DIG please call 811 annd the companies will come out and mark where the lines are. There is no cost for this service.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

March 9th Commissioner's Meeting

There were three issues on the agenda that had connections to Grayton Beach.

Hotz Street - Ryan Douglass reported to the Commissioners that the County had come up with a Traffic Plan for Hotz Ave. He was presenting Phase 1. First the no parking areas would be striped and "candle stick" barriers would be put in place to keep folks from parking in those areas. The businesses located on Hotz have gotten together and have acquired off site parking and will be using a trolly car to run folks back and forth during the heavy evening hours. Both restaurants are going to pool their security personnel and have them work with local police officers assigned to the area to enforce the no parking areas. The county will also be putting up new no parking signs in the area. The county is also going to draw up a new no parking ordinance that will be tried out in Grayton and then if successful then will be applied throughout the county. All Commissioners voted to approve Hotz Street Phase 1. ( I would also like to add that the Fire Chief even after hearing this Phase 1 Plan is still pushing to make Hotz one way.)

GARFIELD STREET ADDITION- The TDC (Tourist Development Center) has awarded a bid to Floridan Construction for a 211 linear feet beach walkover with an observation deck that will be handicapped accessible. Their bid came in at $58,672.00. (If I remember correctly this addition will be added to the beach walk over that is already at the end of Garfield. (It will mean that several of the parking spots in this area, I believe 3 will be lost to handicap parking.)

You can read about this in a previous post:

The Leave No Trace Ordinance was passed. You can read this at:

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