Grayton has lots of underground utilities including TV/internet cables, gas lines, phone lines, and electrical lines. Before you DIG please call 811 annd the companies will come out and mark where the lines are. There is no cost for this service.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Let the Paving Begin

The big county road trucks are working on Pine Street today November 10th. It will really be nice to have our roads resurfaced. Some of our members have asked about private streets being paved. I was told that if the street your house or property is on has a blue street sign that it is considered a private road and does not fall under county paving. Those roads were, I 'm guessing once a driveway to a house on the beach and as time went by parcels of land were sold off and other houses were added to the original "driveway." In order to get those paved those living on the road must get together and fund their own paving. I am sure that Mr. Harrell, address in previous post, can explain this better than me if you still have questions.

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