Grayton has lots of underground utilities including TV/internet cables, gas lines, phone lines, and electrical lines. Before you DIG please call 811 annd the companies will come out and mark where the lines are. There is no cost for this service.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

March 3rd 2008 GBNA Board Minutes

Grayton Beach Neighborhood Association Meeting

March 3rd, 2008

The GBNA meeting was held at Larry Jackson's home on March 3rd at 6 PM. Those members present were;
Larry Jackson
Ann Morrell
Leslie Provow
Grant Blackwell
Linda Eyer (conference call)
Jean Silva (conference call)
Shirley Sahlie (Hospital)

Larry Jackson called the meeting to order. The minutes of the February 8th meeting were approved.

Treasurer’s Report

There was no treasurer’s report due to the absence of Shirley Sahlie. Ann Morrell and Leslie Provow will be added to the bank signature card to provide backup.

Telephone Conferencing

Larry Jackson explained the telephone conferencing program from 1 Source International that the Board had enrolled in, allowing our board members to call in and attend meetings via phone. This will be very useful for our out-of-town board members. The service provides toll free call-in at a 5 cents per minute per line.

Membership Report

Larry reported that as of March 1st the Board had received 63 of 167 renewal applications back or 38%. We had received 4 new member applications out of 86 or 5%. The BCC Grayton Beach Committee poll showed 46 yeas, 4 nays and 17 abstains. Membership renewals and new member applications are due 25 March in order to receive absentee ballots during the first week in April.

Annual Meeting Update

Leslie confirmed that Billy Buzzett will be speaking to the group on April 19th for about 15 minutes. Eddie Robinson Band will be contacted to see if they can play on the 19th, if not Timeless will be contacted. Grant agreed to see if the street party could be held at the Red Bar, if not if will be held at the usual place. Permits will be needed to close off the street. A port-a-potty will need to be rented. There was some discussion if we needed to rent two tents in case of rain. Leslie agreed to shop around and check out tent rental fees in case the board opted for tents. Fried chicken would be ordered by Leslie. There will be another meeting before the April 19th date to firm up other party details both for morning meeting and street dance later in evening. ( Note, subsequently the board accepted Shirley Sahlie’s offer to hold the street party will held at her house, 490 Defuniak Street. The band Timeless will provide music.) Kelly Buzzett, a guest, spoke to the Board about the TDC signs and about the importance of our attendance at the March 26th meeting. She asked that we notify our membership about the sign concerns. It was agreed by the board to mention this item of concern to our membership in our upcoming membership letter and to also place a newspaper reference and picture on our blog.

Neighborhood Watch Update

Grant reported that applications were still coming in. That there had been over 50 applications returned so far. That two neighborhood signs had been posted already as you entered the neighborhood. All neighborhood captains had been established and that he had received a lot of positive feedback from Grayton residents enrolling in the program. There was a discussion as to how many more signs should be ordered to place around the neighborhood, it was agreed that the Board would purchase 6 more signs. It was agreed that Ann would post the Neighborhood Watch Application along with a picture of the Neighborhood Watch Sign on the blog so that residents could down load the application if they needed too.

Federal and State Corporation Filings

Larry and Jean are responsible for determining need to file for Federal tax-exempt status as an IRS Section 501 (c) 4 Social Organization. Ann and Shirley will be responsible for filing the Florida 2008 Non-profit Corporation Annual Report by May 1st.

Key Documents

Ann reported that she had been given a CD by Scott Provow that contained many documents (previous minutes and membership lists) that he had recovered from his computer. She asked that board members still be on the look out for any old records and if found pass them on to her. Larry also asked that Ann correct the GBNA Bylaws on the blog and to correct the year to 2004

Budget 2008

Larry asked the Board to look over the 2008 Budget Draft and make any additions or corrections that might be needed.

Board Calendar

Spring Annual Meeting will be held at Point Washington Church on April 19th. A spring email notice will be sent to members with email addresses. Election Ballot of Candidates will be mailed out by the week of March 25th.

Candidate Search

Different names were suggested and individual board members were assigned to contact them and ask if they were willing to run. The board will need to consider an exception for Linda Eyer to continue her board position for the second year. The Eyers no longer own property in Grayton Beach. There are three 2-year positions – Shirley Sahlie, Leslie Provow and Larry Jackson – to be filled this election. Linda Eyer’s position is subject to an affirmation vote by members.

Welcome Sign at Triangle

Grant reported that Brian Hand, the original artist of the sign, agreed to refinish it and then reinstall it. Leah Webster, Blue Mountain Lawn and Plant Care, will be planting spring flowers during the month.

Leslie agreed to send flowers to Shirley at the hospital in Montgomery from the GBNA. The meeting was then adjourned.

Submitted by
Ann Morrell

Wednesday, March 12, 2008



March 4, 2008—During the February TDC Council meeting, local residents voiced their concerns regarding the installation of a new wayfinding signage program along Scenic Highway 30A. The Council directed the TDC staff to hold a visioning workshop "to get public input on what could be done with what we have now." The public workshop has been scheduled for Wednesday, March 26 at the Coastal Branch Library from 5:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.

The signage program is the result of a seven year process to design, permit, fund, and ultimately, install a family of wayfinding signs to direct visitors to key points of interest, as well as brand the destination.

"We are interested in hearing the recommendations of the community and anxious to see what can be accomplished through this workshop," said John Gillis, chairman of the TDC. "While the signs may be effective, we also do not want them to be a point of contention that divides our community and believe we can find an amicable resolution."

TDC staff was asked to partner with Claire Bannerman, chairman of the Corridor Advocacy Group (CAG) in preparing the workshop. CAG spearheaded the scenic corridor designation process and achieved "official scenic highway" status for CR 30A by the Florida Department of Transportation in February.

The goal of the workshop is to look at factual issues and reach a consensus that will serve the needs of the community and our visitors. The recommendations from this workshop will be reviewed by the TDC Council and a final decision will be made.

Any additional signs are currently on hold until the after recommendations of the workshop are presented to the council. For more information on the wayfinding signage program or workshop, contact Sonny Mares, interim executive director at (850) 267-1216.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

February 8th 2008 GBNA Board Minutes

Grayton Beach Neighborhood Association Board Meeting
February 8th, 2008

The GBNA meeting was held at Larry Jackson's home on February 8th at 4 PM. Those members present were; Larry Jackson
Ann Morrell
Shirley Sahlie
Leslie Provow
Grant Blackwell
(Linda Eyer and Jean Silva were absent.)

Larry Jackson called the meeting to order. The minutes of the January 10th meeting were corrected, and then approved. Shirley reported that there was a balance of $14,800 in the GBNA account. Expenses paid out were $1200 (Grant Blackwell) for Defuniak Street West Side Clean up and $510 (Larry Jackson) for Triangle fall plantings ($215) and February membership renewal drive postage and materials ($304).

BCC Committee Grayton Beach

Leslie reported that she would be unable to attend the next BCC Meeting that was scheduled to meet on February 12th at the Annex. Larry Jackson said that he would try to attend the meeting. Larry suggested that we maybe should poll our membership to see if Grayton Beach should pursue a neighborhood plan as being discussed by the BCC Committee. (For more information: on the BCC’s Neighborhood Plan see minutes of January 10th)

The Board also included a membership poll in the Renewal Form asking if the Association should endorse a proposal that a BCC citizen committee be formed to develop future management policies for the Grayton Beach public beach development, access, parking and permitting.

2008-2009 Membership Renewals and New Member Mailings

Larry passed out a copy of a draft letter for the Board to look over that would be sent to the membership in our Membership Renewal Letter packet that included a short survey that would reference this item. Larry asked if someone would write up a one-page summary of accomplishments by the Board this year to be included in the letter. Ann Morrell agreed to do a summary. (Summary is attached) Grant Blackwell wanted to develop as separate flyer to non-members to join the Association. He offered to work on this letter and have it ready to go out with the Renewal mailings on the 14th of February.

Filing 2008 Corporation Not For Profit Report and Federal Requirements

Larry Jackson and Jean Silva said that the CPA that had been contacted by the Board had advised that the GBNA about federal tax exempt filing requirements. Ann and Shirley will need to file the Florida 2008 Not-For-Profit Annual Corporation Report with the Department of State by May 1st, 2008.

The association appears to qualify for Internal Revenue Code tax-exempt status as a 501 (c) 4 Social Welfare organization. The pertinent definition is “a community association devoted to preserving the community traditions, architecture, and appearance by representing it before local legislature and administrative agencies in zoning, traffic and parking matters.” (Note: Association By-Laws restrict the board to the following: “The Board may not take a position representing the Association before any governmental body without a vote of the association . . . .”) The association will need to file a Form 1024.

Establishment of Key GBNA Documents

Ann Morrell is still trying to gather up key documents of the GBNA She asked that anyone having old copies of minutes or treasurer reports to please share them with her. She would like to get all discovered key documents and GBNA Board History on to Cds so that the GBNA will have a record for future board members to refer too.

Neighborhood Watch Update

Grant Blackwell reported that the application form on the original Neighborhood Watch Letter that had been sent out had been mailed out. Both Richard Veldman and Grant had ordered Neighborhood Watch Signs that would be posted at the entrance to Grayton. Grant reported that he had received quite a few Neighborhood Watch filled out applications back in the mail. There was some discussion that maybe the Board should purchase a few more signs to post in other areas of Grayton.

Draft of 2008 Board Budget

Larry passed out a draft budget for 2008. He then led the board through the draft, item by item. He asked the board to suggest any item that might have been overlooked. Larry suggested that there also be a section in our annual budget that be labeled as Capital Improvements. The board agreed. The Proposed Budget will be refined and a budget will be presented to the Board at the March Meeting as GBNA’s Budget for 2008-2009.

GBNA Spring Calendar

The next item discussed was the Board’s Spring Calendar.

Annual Meeting
Our Annual meeting will be held at Point Washington Church on April 19th. The Stephenson Building has been reserved from 9 - 1PM. Our annual meeting will begin at 10AM. The speaker (no name yet) will be from the airport Authority and will speak on the new airport.

Week of Feb 14th
The Renewal Membership letter will be mailed out. There will be a Renewal GBNA stuffing Committee that will meet Feb. 12th at Shirley’s house that will stuff both Old Members Renewals and also Non-Members Membership packets.

March 15th
The ballots for 2008-2009 Board Officers will be ready to mail out.
Currently there will be three open positions. Linda Eyer’s position will be reviewed for special configuration at the next board meeting. Those not up for re-election are:
Ann Morrell
Grant Blackwell
Jean Silva
Lynda Eyer (Special Consideration pending)

Candidate Search for GBNA Board

Larry asked for names from the members of who the Board might ask to run for the 2008-2009 year. Several names were mentioned and individual Board members agreed to approach those individuals. It was also agreed that both the blog and the web page would post notices about the Board’s vacancies. There would also be information about the Board vacancies in the Renewal Letter and also in the Non- Member Membership Letter. Names suggested would be discussed at the March meeting and those agreeing to run would be asked to provide a paragraph about them that would be shared with the membership.

Triangle / Defuniak Street / Grayton Beach Entry Sign

Larry contacted two yard service companies to get bids on the upkeep of the triangle. Blue Mountain Lawn and Plant Care (Leah Webster) bid of $58 per month was accepted and approved by the board. Larry reported that he is still working on getting bids on the electrical connection for the Triangle. Grant agreed to approach the county about some gravel to fill in the holes by the triangle. The Board discussed going back to the original artist, Brian Hand, to refurbish the “Welcome to Grayton Beach” sign on the Triangle. Grant knows how to contact him.

The Board agreed the west side of Defuniak Street by the county needed to be seeded. Grant agreed to ask county to do that. Subsequently, the County put down white load-bearing shoulder materials on both sides of the lift station.

No new meeting date was set…a date would be announced later and emailed to the Board.

Submitted by,
Ann Morrell

Grayton Beach Neighborhood Association 2007 Update

The board identified five main Goals for Emphasis for the year 2007- 2008. In regards to these concerns the board accomplished the following:

* Contact was made with County Road Dept for shoulder maintenance multiple places along DeFuniak Street and street repair on Pine Street.
* A drain cover for the corner of Pine and Grayton Oaks was installed
* A safety barricade installed at Grayton Oaks and Pine Street
* A Neighborhood Watch Program with Street Captains established for the Grayton Beach Neighborhood
*Met with the County Road Sign department and pointed out signs that needed replacing or additional signs needed for our area.

* Met with TDC to have hurricane debris removed from the Defuniak Street beach entry point. The area is now free of debris and both safe for driving and walking.
* The board has monitored the Pine Street State Park Beach Access and is in talks with the Park to replace the old and frayed roping.
* The board has talked with Commissioner Meadows about developing a better and safer parking situation for beach goers on the Garfield Street access.
* The Board is working on establishing a park bench at the Lydia-Banfill Lake Access.

* The board sponsored two street party/dances for the Grayton Community.
* The board holds a General Informational Meeting once a year to elect new officers and to inform the membership of what has been accomplished throughout the year.
*Our 4th of July Parade continues to be an annual summer event for the community.

* The board has met with Cindy Meadows and discussed our concerns in regards to our Grayton Beach Neighborhood. Bike and pedestrian safety along DeFuniak Street, crowded parking issues in relation to the Grayton Public Beach, and the county overall plan for the Walton County Beaches was discussed.
* Board Members have attended various county meetings to keep the membership abreast of changes or future issues that might affect our community.
* The board maintains both a web site and a GBNA blog where members can find copies of minutes, reports of meetings with county officials, and other important information concerning our community.
* The board has had a member at most of the recent BCC meetings.

* Continued Defuniak-Magnolia corner “Welcome to Grayton Beach” entry triangle landscaping maintenance with seasonal plantings and a water system installed
* Cleaning up trash and weeds form the West side of DeFuniak Street at the entrance to Grayton Beach.
* Working with county to repair and seed damaged shoulders because of the Regional Utilities Pump Station construction.
* Board worked to have dumped debris and an abandon car removed from our area.