Grayton has lots of underground utilities including TV/internet cables, gas lines, phone lines, and electrical lines. Before you DIG please call 811 annd the companies will come out and mark where the lines are. There is no cost for this service.

Friday, September 28, 2007


GBNA Get-TogetherFind out why some say about Grayton -
“Nice Dogs Strange People!”
Grayton Beach Neighborhood Association (GBNA)
Potluck & Street Dance
When: October 6, 2007, 5:30 – 8-30;
Where: DeFuniak and Lydia Streets
Menu: Southern Fried Chicken (“Duh” (or “of course”) with delicious covered dishes by our world famous attending Grayton Beach Neighborhood Association members.
Music: From Pop to Rock by Timeless, on their Encore from our April Dance
Why: Find out how the summer went, what’s happening in the future and meet friends and neighbors
also find out about
Neighborhood Watch Program and Grayton Beach Logo Contest
We look forward to seeing you there;
Your GBNA Association

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Don't Leave Things on the Beach OVERNIGHT

In accordance with state and county ordinance, regulations, and laws, it shall be unlawful for beach chairs, umbrellas, tents (sunshades), and other such personal articles to be on the beach in such a manner that they interfere with beach maintenance, nesting sea turtles, or emergency vehicles.
Florida Statue 62D Grayton Beach State Park rules and regulations Walton County Ordinance 2003-07 sec. 4 sub. par.
Remove all personal items from state park property at the end of each day or they will be removed and thrown away.

GBNA September Meeting

GBNA Meeting
September 26, 2007
at 6:00 PM
Larry Jackson's Home

GBNA Minutes August 14, 2007

Grayton Beach Neighborhood Association Meeting

August 14, 2007

The Grayton Beach Neighborhood Board Meeting was held at Grant Blackwell’s house on August 14th at 6PM. Those members present were:

Larry Jackson
Leslie Provow
Ann Morrell
Shirley Sahlie
Grant Blackwell
Linda Eyers

Not Present: Jean Silva (ill)

The first item of business was a report on the clean up of the DeFuniak Street entry to the beach. Grant Blackwell reported that he had contacted David Self of the TDC and that he had agreed to send workers over to hand pick through the area every Wednesday so that those pieces of wood and trash that could not be removed via the sifter could be removed making this entry way to the beach safer.

Next item up was the sign replacement. Grant Blackwell had gotten with the County Road Department and was going to walk the area with their representative so that those signs damaged or missing could be replaced. An updated report will be presented to the board at the September Meeting.

The Board agreed to express our concerns to Commissioner Meadows about the safety for pedestrians and bicyclists along DeFuniak Street. We would like to know the future date and times for this study so we can take this topic off of our monthly agenda. It was also discussed that we would ask that the portable speed sign be placed further down on DeFuniak Street so that those driving in that area would be reminded to slow down.

Larry Jackson agreed to write a letter to Cindy Meadows listing the three concerns of the Board. Our first concern is for the safety of pedestrians and bicyclists along DeFuniak Street from County Highway 30A to the DeFuniak Beach Access. The second concern is the list of Grayton street signs in disrepair, needed, or missing throughout the community. We would like to request that they be replaced, fixed or added to our Grayton area. And finally, we need her help in allowing us to be granted permission to hook up to the county’s electrical power line going from the flashing stop sign at DeFuniak and Magnolia Streets so that we can use electricity to add lighting to the triangle display area during holidays.

Larry Jackson reported that he gave Richard Veldman a check for $360 to cover the water that is being used to irrigate the triangle. This will cover our use of water from November 2006 through November 2007. He also reported that it was time to change out some of the plants and that GBNA Member Peggy Lawrence of Landscape Art had agreed to meet with the Triangle Committee and offer suggestions for planting. Larry will send out a notice letting the board members and committee members know when this meeting with Peggy will take place.

New Business

First topic discussed was the October Street Party on October 6th. The party will be a potluck. The Board will provide fried chicken and water and soft drinks. Guests can bring their own other liquid refreshments. The band, Timeless, has already been contacted to play. The party will be held from 5 to 8:30 PM. Jean will be contacted to see if she can get permit for street closing and also for a Porta-Potty to be delivered. The board decided to send a post card to all Grayton Beach Property owners inviting them to the Street Party. Larry Jackson agreed that he would take care of the postcards and the mailing of them.

Grant Blackwell brought up the topic of Neighborhood watch. Grayton has had a few cars broken into and the board was interested in how this program could be set up. Grant explained that we could have a Neighborhood Watch Coordinator from the Sheriff’s Department explain how it works and perhaps we could invite all of the permanent Grayton residents to a cook out for this meeting. There was some discussion by board members to try and do this before the October party, but many felt that there wasn’t enough time, so this item will be discussed at the October meeting. Grant agreed to look in to this for the board and would report back at the October meeting.

Shirley Sahlie and Linda Eyers suggested that the board come up with a logo for our stationary and perhaps in the future for T-shirts. The board thought it might be fun to hold a logo contest open to all Grayton Beach residents. This topic will be explored more and hopefully can be presented at the May Meeting.

The next item up for discussion was the improvements of the Western Lake access at the corner of Lydia and Banfill. Grant Blackwell offered to check out the cost of cleaning up the area and drawing up plans for a small dock. He would also draw up a cost estimate for this project. There was some discussion by board members if we should also provide a walk way to this area, so that guests and residents would not accidentally get onto private property. Grant Blackwell agreed to report back to the Board at the September meeting on this project. Jean Silvia will research the property covenants and permits to the access.

Larry Jackson brought up the beach parking permits. There have been some articles in the paper about the number of beach permits issued, who they are issued to, and that the County Commission is looking into possible changes on driving on the beach. The Commissioners are looking at each beach area; some areas are being declared regional beaches. These areas must have parking and bathroom facilities. Those beaches that are declared a public neighborhood beach do not have these requirements. As a board we need to stay informed, making sure we have a representative at Commissioner Meetings so we are aware of any changes that might be made and in turn can inform our members.

Larry Jackson reported that we now had 163 members in GBNA.

The next meeting will be at Larry Jackson’s home on September 26th, a Wednesday, at 6 PM.

Ann Morrell

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Sept. / Oct.Commisioners Meetings

Sept. 11th, Tuesday, 400 South Annex

Sept. 25th, Tuesday, 400 Defuniak

Oct. 9th, Tuesday, 400 South Annex

Oct. 23rd, Tuesday, 400 Defuniak


The Walton County Board of County Commissioners holds three regular meetings each month: the first Tuesday at 5:00pm, the second Tuesday at 4:00 p.m., and the fourth Tuesday at 9:00 a.m. Each meeting is preceded with presentations by county staff. Meetings are normally held in the at the Coastal Branch Library for the first Tuesday and the fourth Tuesday at the Commissioners’ Boardroom on the 2nd floor of the Walton County Courthouse in DeFuniak Spring. The second Tuesday meeting is held at a location To Be Announced.

You Are Invited to a PARTY

GBNA Get-Together

Find out why some say about Grayton -
“Nice Dogs Strange People!”

Grayton Beach Neighborhood Association (GBNA)
Potluck & Street Dance

When: October 6, 2007, 5:30 – 8-30; Where: DeFuniak and Lydia Streets

Menu: Southern Fried Chicken (“Duh” (or “of course”)) with delicious covered dishes by our world famous attending Grayton Beach Neighborhood Association members.

Music: From Pop to Rock by Timeless, on their Encore from our April Dance

Why: Find out how the summer went, what’s happening in the future and meet friends and neighbors

We look forward to seeing you there;

Your GBNA Association

Saturday, September 8, 2007

International Coastal Cleanup - Grayton Beach

Saturday, September 15, 2007 8:00-10:00 AM
Clean up supplies, bottled water and T-Shirts provided

For Info: Coordinator: Tiffany McCaskill, 267-1216