Grayton has lots of underground utilities including TV/internet cables, gas lines, phone lines, and electrical lines. Before you DIG please call 811 annd the companies will come out and mark where the lines are. There is no cost for this service.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Latest Updates From Grant

The meeting is April 27th at Shirley's house as usual at 11AM with lunch around 12:30. Fried Chicken and all the trimmings with folks encouraged to bring their favorite covered dish or dessert.

The response to the Memorial Tree program has been oustanding. We have about ten PLEDGES now and once we get 15 we will proceeed with plans. The cost is $1000 per tree and provides for at least one replacement tree should the first one not survive."

Mike Adkinson, Sheriff and Cindy Meadows will be at the annual meeting and will be first on the agenda.

Much of the meeting will be about the proposed neighborhood plan with Billy Buzzett explaining how it works and getting feedback as to the contents of the plan from those in attendance.

The annual mailings did not inclue a ballot: "Grant Blackwell, President of GBNA, announced at the February board meeting that there were no known inteersted candidates for the expiring terms Grant...Billy.... Andy and Bill.  Due to the complexities of the 2013 mailings and notifications of Neighborhood Plan, Grant asked current board members to volunteer to serve another year. All board members agreed and thus no ballot was sent out as usual. Grant acknowledges that this is a deviation from normal protocal and by-;laws and commits to solicit new candidates next November for the 2014 term."