Grayton has lots of underground utilities including TV/internet cables, gas lines, phone lines, and electrical lines. Before you DIG please call 811 annd the companies will come out and mark where the lines are. There is no cost for this service.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Beach Permit Lottery Info

.Walton County Beach Permit Lottery Information

Lottery Applications for Beach Driving Permits will be accepted by the County from April 1st to May 10th.
Selections will be on on Monday, May 16th and applicants will be notified of the results. Those selected in the lottery may purchase permits from the Clerk of Court’s office beginning June 1st.

You can download the Beach Permit Lottery Application from

Applications may also be picked up at the SoWal Courthouse Annex at the Planning Department. Several requirements must be met to obtain a Permit.

dfirect link for application:

Monday, March 21, 2011

GBNA Meeting March 15th

GBNA MEETING  March 15, 2011

The Meeting was called to order by Grant Blackwell, President, at the 30A Resorts Conference Room at 4:00 PM, March 15, 2011. Board attendees in addition to Grant were Ann Morrell, Larry Jackson, and Scott Provow. Mike Valentino, Kitty Taylor and Billy Buzzett were absent. Andy Gray, 2011-2013 Board member candidate, was a member guest.

Minutes: January 25th minutes were approved by board member E-mails and posted to GBNA Blog.

Financial Report: Ann Morrell presented an update of our GBNA Finances as of March, 2011.

Jan 25, 2010 Balances: Checking Account: $ 2,957.57 Savings Account: $10,649.28

Checking Account

Checks written:

Blue Mountain Lawn Care $125.00

Friends of Grayton Beach State Park $100.00

Ann Morrell, Postage , repro, Annual letter $525.08

Blue Mountain Lawn Care $ 45.00

Ann Morrell (Fl Corp Registration) $ 61.25

Total Expenses: $ 856.33

Deposits Dues for 2011

Feb 25; $ 50

March 7: $ 1,900

March 15: $ 550

Total Income: $ 2,500

March 15, 2011 Balances: Checking: $4,551.24 Savings: $ 10,649.28

Member Directory: This directory is replacing the 2006 Membership Directory. The ongoing collection of updated membership directory information is included in the returning 2011 ballots and member surveys. To date, almost 80% of returned ballots respondents wanted their information included in a membership directory. It was suggested that the board explore sponsorship opportunities with local member businesses to support production and distribution of the directory. The Directory will be provided after the Annual Meeting in order to include Membership Applications received at the Meeting.

By-Laws Amendment: The returned ballots results will be counted prior to Annual meeting. The amendment allows the board to speak on membership’s behalf to the governmental organizations under certain conditions. The formal vote documents a simple majority of Association votes from the show of hands approval at the 2010 Annual Meeting.

2011-2012 Board Candidates: Four candidate names were included in ballot for terms of 2011-2013: Grant Blackwell, Scott Provow, Andy Gray, and Bill Wallace. They will join three board members with terms of 2010-2012: Ann Morrell, Billy Buzzett, and Larry Jackson.

Membership Applications, with Ballot and Survey: More than 110 applications have been returned. The Board agreed to send a reminder post card out this month to remind Grayton Beach property owners to return their Membership Applications. Larry suggested that the new Board for 2011-2012 look at the Bylaws Article III Membership and Dues structure for the future. See GBNA Bylaws at the GBNA BLOG.

Grayton Beach Trademark: The Board discussed soliciting advice from member lawyers about feasibility and issues of trade marking the use of Grayton Beach in literature and promotions. A related project will be to create a trademark GBNA logo for the village.

Speed Limit Change: Grant reported that the County was looking into adjusting the local county access roads from Highway 98 to 35 MPH when the roads reach residential and commercial areas near Highway 30A.

Hotz Avenue Boat Ramp Kayak Rack: Grant reported that two business owners agreed to donate funds to the Association to build a Kayak/Board Rack for public day use at the Hotz Avenue Boat Ramp/Dock. Purpose of the Rack is to allow people to secure their equipment during the day. Board discussed need to consult with adjacent property owners.

DeFuniak Street Work: Grant coordinated getting County Road Crew work on DeFuniak Street shoulders. Additionally the county repaired the Triangle blinking red light after concerns were expressed about people going through the stop sign without stopping.

Annual Meeting Planning: The Board agreed that the 23 April Annual Meeting will be at Shirley Sahlie's yard on Defuniak Street. The business meeting will start at 11 AM with lunch being served at 12:30. A picnic menu will be provided - chicken, slaw, potato salad, baked beans, rolls, brownies, tea, water and lemonade. Scott and Ann will obtain food and service items. Scott will reserve tent and locate tables and chairs.

Grayton Beach State Park: Friends of Grayton Beach State Park thanked the Association for our $100 contribution.

Florida Corporation Annual Filing: Ann Morrell, as the Registered Agent, submitted our 2011 annual report filing with FL Department of State.

Signage Initiative: The board agreed to solicit member comments to establishing a voluntary effort on improve display of commercial signage in the village.

Welcome Triangle Lighting: Larry Jackson is looking for solar power options to reduce need for extended buried power lines, permits, and meters.

Wedding Rentals: The Board discussed Walton County Commissioners review of noise issues with large wedding party rentals in residential areas.

Beach Permit Ordinance: The County is expected to approve the Beach Permit Ordinance at March 22nd Meeting. People with 2010 permits can apply starting May 15th for 2011 Permits. A lottery system for 150 permits for registered voters will start April 1st. See the BLOG for application details. Ann Morrell continues to maintain the status on the Grayton Beach Neighborhood Association BLOG at .

Old Business: The board agreed to table Historic Grayton Beach and other topics to the April Meeting.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:45 PM.

Submitted by Larry Jackson, Secretary Upon approval, these minutes are posted on Grayton Beach Neighborhood Association BLOG at , The Minutes are cataloged at

Saturday, March 19, 2011

March 22nd The County Takes Final Look at Beach Permit

The dates for applying have been tweeked again...I am including a Link to the Ordinance. If this issue effect you and you are either grandfathered in or hope to win one of the 150 lottery applications be sure to note the tweeked dates. I also have included a link to the new Dogs on the Beach Ordinance.

If you are coming to the Annual Meeting and Party on Aprl 23rd there will be driving on the beach permits available for you to pick up at the Sign In Table.

Beach Permit Link

Important dates
Grandfather Permits can be renewed starting May 15th. You must renew your permit by June 1st or you will lose it.

Lottery Permits may submit their applications between April 1st through May 10th. The lottery will be held on May 15th and you can purchase your permit on June 1st.

The county is also updating their Dogs on the Beach Permit. So if you have a Beach Loving Pooch ...check out the following link.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Leslie Provow's Earthquake Adventure

Read about Leslie (Haynes) Provow's Earthquake in Japan Adventure

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


The annual meeting and party will take place again at Shirley Sahlie's home on Defuniak Street. All food will be provided. We plan to have Fried Chicken, Cole Slaw, Potato Salad, Baked Beans, Rolls and Brownies for desert. We will provide tea, water and lemonade, (you are also welcome to bring your own drink.) We will again have a tent and provide tables and chairs for your comfort. If you missed the program about old Grayton last year it will be shown again in the pool house. Come and join us and find out what's been happening in Grayton.

We are looking forward to a large crowd and a great time reconnecting to old friends and new friends. We hope that you are planning on attending...the meeting will start at 11 AM with lunch being served at 12:30. This will allow you to still have that precious Grayton Beach time. If you could email Ann at with the number in your party that plan to attend it will help us with our food purchases.

So far I have been really happy with the Membership Applications would really be great if I didn't have to send out another please join and support your Grayton Beach Neighborhood Association! Thanks in Advance!!!!!!!!

Monday, March 7, 2011

New proposed Dogs on the Beach Ordinance 3-22-2011

Dogs on the Beach Ordinance (NEW)




Please click on  and read. 

Important Dates:
Grandfathered Permits:  You can renew your application starting on May 15th. The deadline for filing and keeping your Grandfather Status is June 1st. Your old permit runs out on June 1st.

Lottery Permits: You can submit your application from April 1st - May 10th. On May 15th the lottery will take place and you will be notified and then asked to pay the fee of $125 for your permit.

As soon as I get the link where the application can be downloaded I will Post.