Grayton has lots of underground utilities including TV/internet cables, gas lines, phone lines, and electrical lines. Before you DIG please call 811 annd the companies will come out and mark where the lines are. There is no cost for this service.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Beach Permits & Registered Voters

Update on term Registered Voter (Beach Permits)
My Personal Opinion so you need to link over to:

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Date Corrections

Next Commissioner's Meeting to discuss the Driving on Beach will be Feb 8th in South Walton. Please note correction on your calendars.

Jan 11 the Commissioners will be discussing the Parking Ordinance that will deal with the Grayton Beach parking problems.

Link to Newspaper article about Beach Permits:

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Driving on the Beach Ordinance as of 12-14, 2010

This is the newest copy of the Driving on the Beach Ordinance. This copy was updated just before the 4PM meeting on the 14th. The newest additions are highlighted in yellow. Those items deleted are strikethroughs. This is the copy that you should use as a reference for any of your emails to the Commissioners.  REMEMBER this is only a working was not voted on and will be discussed again at an open forum on February 8th. (correction)



WHEREAS, the Walton County Board of County Commissioners issues permits for authorized vehicles to operate on limited access areas of Walton County Beaches;

WHEREAS, the Walton County Board of County Commissioners desires to limit the number of permits issued each year for vehicles to operate on designated limited access areas on the beach and for the use of other authorized vehicles;

WHEREAS, the Walton County Board of County Commissioners finds that the health, safety, and welfare of citizens, and visitors to, Walton County would be best protected by the regulation of vehicles on the limited access areas of the beach;


Section 1. Authority, purpose and intent.

This ordinance is adopted pursuant to Section 125.01 Florida Statutes.

Section 2. Section 22-57 of the Walton County Code is amended to read:

Section 22-57. Permitted vehicles on the beach.

(a) It shall be unlawful for any person to drive, or cause to be driven, an unauthorized vehicle on the beach of Walton County unless permitted as provided herein.

(b) Before any vehicle shall be allowed in the designated limited access areas on the public beaches of Walton County, a permit must be obtained for the vehicle in the form of a decal, and permanently affixed in the back window of said vehicle, or the rear of the motor vehicle. The Walton County Tax Collector shall accept applications for permits between June 1 and August 1 April 1 and June 1 of each year. Any application for a permit received after August 1 of each year shall be denied as untimely. After June 1st of each year, an additional 150 permits may be issued by the Walton County Tax Collector, in the order in which the applications are received. Such applicants must meet the criteria set forth in this ordinance except the requirement of having had a permit for the year preceding the date of application. These 150 permits are only valid for one year and may not be renewed. This provision will be effective January 3, 2011.

(c) The permits shall be issued each year based on the requirements of this Code, including, but not limited to, the criteria set forth below.

(i) Walton County Real Property Owners, Residents, and Registered Voters.

Walton County registered voters, or real property owners, who are residents of Walton County, and immediate family members residing with the property owners in Walton County may obtain a permit for the use of a properly registered and authorized vehicle along the designated limited access areas on the beaches of Walton County, if the following criteria are met, in addition to any other requirements contained in this Code:
a. The person applying for the permit must have had a permit as of the effective date of this ordinance and for the year preceding the date of application. Each parcel of property shall only be entitled to one vehicle permit and one boat trailer permit each year.
b. The real property shall have constructed on it a habitable residence.

bc. The ad-valorem taxes for the real property shall not be delinquent.

cd. The vehicle being registered must be titled in the name of the permit holder.

de. Proof of real property ownership (such as a deed or tax receipt) and proof of residency (such as voter’s registration card, homestead exemption card, or driver’s license) must be presented to the Tax Collector at the time of application to document the requirements of this section. For property titled in the name of a business or owned by multiple owners, the person applying for the permit shall show proof that they own a controlling interest in the property or that they are otherwise entitled to obtain a permit for the property. “Controlling interest in the property or that they are otherwise entitled” means that the person applying for the permits owns more than 50% ownership interest in the property or has a resolution signed by the other owners of the property grants the person applying for the permit the authority to apply for the permit.

(ii) Walton County Real Property Owners, Non-Residents.

Walton County real property owners may obtain a permit for the use of a properly registered and authorized vehicle along the designated limited access areas on the beaches of Walton County, if the following criteria are met, in addition to any other requirements contained in this Code:

a. The person applying for the permit must have had a permit as of the effective date of this ordinance and for the year preceding the date of application. Each parcel of property shall only be entitled to one vehicle permit and one trailer permit each year.

b. The real property shall have constructed on it a habitable residence.

bc. The ad-valorem taxes for the real property shall not be delinquent.

cd. The vehicle being registered must be titled in the name of the permit holder.

de. Proof of real property ownership (such as a deed or tax receipt) must be presented to the Tax Collector at the time of application to document the requirements of this section. For property titled in the name of a business or owned by multiple owners, the person applying for the permit shall show proof that they own a controlling interest in the property or that they are otherwise entitled to obtain a permit for the property. “Controlling interest in the property or that they are otherwise entitled” means that the person applying for the permits owns more than 50% ownership interest in the property or has a resolution signed by the other owners of the property grants the person applying for the permit the authority to apply for the permit.

(iii) Walton County Charter Fishing Operations; 20 15 Permits Total.

Under this section (c) (iii), there shall be a limit of 20 15 permits total to be issued which shall be issued to the first 20 15 applicants to file completed applications. Walton County residents that are also licensed charter boat captains and operate charter fishing businesses in Walton County (“Charter Operator”) may obtain a permit for the use of a properly registered and authorized vehicle along the designated limited access areas of the beaches of Walton County, if the following criteria are met, in addition to any other requirements contained in this Code:

a. The vehicle and boat trailer being registered shall be owned by the Charter Operator and used for the charter operation.

b. Proof of residency (such as voter’s registration card, homestead exemption card, or driver’s license) must be presented to the Tax Collector at the time of application.

c. Proof of a current Coast Guard Captain’s license.

d. Proof of a current Florida charter fishing license.

A copy of the beach access permit and the application showing the name of the individual to whom it was issued must remain in the vehicle while being operated on the beach. Additionally, at all times while a properly permitted vehicle and boat trailer are on the designated limited access area, the properly permitted vehicle and properly permitted boat trailer shall remain connected to the properly permitted vehicle.

(d) The Walton County Tax Collector will issue the permits annually upon receipt of a completed application. The Walton County Tax Collector shall retain $10.00 (five ten dollars) as a processing fee. On or about October 1 of each year the Walton County Tax Collector shall submit to the Walton County Board of County Commissioners a written report of the number of permits that have been issued during the current year.

(e) Only four-wheel drive vehicles that have a current motor vehicle registration to be driven on the highways shall be permitted.

(f) The designated limited access area permit described in subsection (c) above, shall cost the sum of $125.00 per vehicle. One decal (vehicle permit) shall be issued for each vehicle authorized to use the limited access area. Permanently Disabled landowners, who meet the requirements of subsection (c) abovenon-residents, upon proof of disability (Florida Handicap Parking Placard, SSI Disability letter, etc.), will be exempt from tthis fee eligible to receive a no-cost temporary permit from the Code Enforcement Department. Disabled residents, upon proof of disability (Florida Handicap Parking Placard, SSI Disability letter, etc.) and active military residents, may be issued an annual no-cost permit from the Walton County Tax Collector.

(g) In addition to the designated limited access area permit described in subsection (c) above, individuals launching boats shall be required to have a corresponding trailer decal for an additional $30.00. The decal shall be placed on the tongue of the trailer.

(h) The speed limit of authorized vehicles along the designated limited access on the public beaches of Walton County shall be five miles per hour.

(i) Any reckless driving along the designated limited access of the public beaches shall constitute a violation of this article.

(j) Conviction for violation of this article shall result in automatic revocation of the vehicle permit.

(k) All permits issued shall be for a period of one year and will expire June 1st1 of each year.

(l) Permitted vehicles are not allowed on the beach other than in the designated limited access areas.

(m) All access areas shall be appropriately marked and designated as such.

(n) Driving is prohibited from 10:00 p.m. until sunrise, with the exception of vehicles launching or recovering boats. All vehicles launching boats must be parked in designated parking areas.

(o) All-terrain vehicles are not permitted on the public beach. All-terrain vehicles used by sheriff department officers, South Walton Fire Department, and county employees for official business may be driven on the beach. Beach vendor permits issued by Walton County may include all-terrain vehicles that are restricted to setting up and breaking down vending sites only. Private security all-terrain vehicles may obtain a beach vendor permit, for a reduced fee of $100, which will allow them to access the beach within the limits specified in the permit.

Section 3. Severability

In the event that any portion of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct, and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance.

Section 4. Effective Date

This Ordinance shall become effective when filed with the Secretary of State.

Adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Walton County, Florida, at a duly advertised public hearing, this day of ____________, 2010.




_______________________________ BY:________________________________

Martha Ingle Scott Brannon, Chair

Clerk of Court

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Results of The Driving on The Beach Hearing

There were lots of folks at the meeting tonight to discuss and give their opinions to the Commissioners on the Driving on the Beach Ordinance. The Commissioners and their lawyer verbally shared the new changes that did not appear on the updated ordinance that had been emailed out over the week end. These changes were made this afternoon. I was unable to get a copy this evening but will post the latest document as soon as I get a copy.

The main change: You can get a permit (one of the extra 150 being offered) if you are a registered voter, which means you don't have to own property in Walton Co.unty to get a permit, you only have to have a voter registration card.
The application: A voter registration application is complete if it contains the following information necessary to establish the applicant's eligibility pursuant to s. 97.041, including:
1. Applicant's name.

2. Applicant's legal residence address. (can live at home or rent, does not need to own Walton County property)
3. Applican't date of birth (can apply at age 16, vote at age 18)

4. Be a citizen of the United States
5. Hold a valid Florida's driving license or a Florida Identification Card.

They were also going to open the 150 lottery on January 3rd. Folks could line up and get a permit that would allow them a 6 month permit that would take them to June. They would pay the full 125 dollars. Then they would have to stand in line and pay again for a full year permit in June. One Commissioner felt that they should accept all applications for a week and then draw 150 lucky winners.

They also told us that anyone with a handicap could get a permit any time through out the year. They also had added military personel in Walton county could apply for a permit without meeting any of the other regulations.. (The military was a new addition) (Many of us wondered and expressed our concerns how notification (fair notification) would be made by January 3rd, after all it is Christmas and New Year's)

Some of the folks in attendance were complaining, and rightly so, that they had lost their permit because they owned property but didn't have a structure on it. They had met all requirements but this one, so they lost their permit in 2010. (With the new Ordinance this requirement is deleted , so now those folks will fall into the "150 group fighting for a permit pot") They were concerned that they paid taxes, had permits up until the change in 2010, and now would be up against someone in the 150 group, that didn't own property, but did have a voter's registration card.

There were those that spoke, who forgot to renew their application, either because they didn't know, or they were out of state, or in surgery, or out of the country, or working the oil spill and they asked to be considered for the grandfather group. Some even said, they had never had a permit, but they wanted one that year and couldn't get one. The board didn't seem to buy into any of this...and just kept telling them they could get one of the 150 new permits. I got the strong impression that if one person was granted grandfathering then all would have to be granted. I am sure that many folks had good reasons for missing out on renewing their application but I didn't see the board reacting to any of the stories.

Some in the audience suggested that the county should issue different kinds of permits...week day permits, week end permits, drop off permits (just let them get their stuff down to the beach). Not sure these drop off folks realize that we have limited parking down on Hotz so what do they do with their cars while down on the beach? I am sure that suggestions like this would be a nightmare for the Tax Collector Office. Some said there shouldn't be a limited number of permits period...that they should give anyone who wanted one a permit. Many of these folks thought Grayton could have 1000 cars down there at one time with no problem. That told me, they haven't been down to Grayton Beach for awhile.
I suggested when I spoke, knew it wouldn't fly, but tried...that perhaps a permit issued to a Grayton owner be issued to the address, the home itself, as Grayton folks passed their homes down in the family...that way there would always be a permit available in case the original owner of the permit passed away. That would eliminate a lot of the concerns of the folks that live in the neighborhood where the one driving on beach is located. They didn't comment, but looking at their faces they acted like I was wasting their time with that suggestion. I believe Grant and Billy, presented a similar option to the board via letter.

Anyway, one good thing,  they opted not to take a vote tonight...the Commissioners said they had heard a lot of things that they needed to we will meet again on January 11th and there will be another hearing. Not sure with the holiday, how much time the Board will have to re-evaluate their options but I will keep posting anything that I hear.   Correction Meeting Feb 8th
I can't tell you how important it is to voice your concerns...if you feel strongly one way or another let them know. I am going to get a copy of the newest ordinance up as soon as I you can see the additional changes and wording that was added today before our meeting on Feb 8th. The contacts for the Commissioners are located on the right side of the blog I would contact all five Commissioners not just Ms. Jones, as all 5 vote.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Changes in Driving on the Beach Ordinance as of Dec. 11th

I have added the changes to the original Ordinance  (directly below this entry) that were given to me on the 6th of December. I am color coding the new changes in BLUE.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Driving Ordinance Amenndment

This Ordinance will be presented to the County Commissioners on December 14 for their consideration. The Meeting will be held at the South Walton Annex at 4Pm. I suggest if you have any thoughts on this matter and will not be able to attend the meeting that you contact the Commissioners with your concerns. Their information is located on the right side of the blog.

Changes are in blue.  Deletions are in strike through.

ORDINANCE   2010-_______


WHEREAS, the Walton County Board of County Commissioners issues permits for authorized vehicles to operate on limited access areas of Walton County Beaches;

WHEREAS, the Walton County Board of County Commissioners desires to limit the number of permits issued each year for vehicles to operate on designated limited access areas on the beach and for the use of other authorized vehicles;

WHEREAS, the Walton County Board of County Commissioners finds that the health, safety, and welfare of citizens, and visitors to, Walton County would be best protected by the regulation of vehicles on the limited access areas of the beach;


Section 1. Authority, purpose and intent.
This ordinance is adopted pursuant to Section 125.01 Florida Statutes.

Section 2. Section 22-57 of the Walton County Code is amended to read:

Section 22-57. Permitted vehicles on the beach.

(a) It shall be unlawful for any person to drive, or cause to be driven, an unauthorized vehicle on the beach of Walton County unless permitted as provided herein.

(b) Before any vehicle shall be allowed in the designated limited access areas on the public beaches of Walton County, a permit must be obtained for the vehicle in the form of a decal, and permanently affixed in the back window of said vehicle, or the rear of the motor vehicle. The Walton County Tax Collector shall accept applications for permits between June 1 and August 1 May 1 and June 30 of each year. On July 1, an additional 150 permits may be issued, on a yearly basis, by the Walton County Tax Collector in the order in which applications are received. Such applications must meet the criteria set forth in this ordinance except the requirement of having had a permit for the year preceding the date of application.

(c) The permits shall be issued each year based on the requirements of this Code, including, but not limited to, the criteria set forth below.

(i) Walton County Real Property Owners, Residents.

Walton County real property owners, who are residents of Walton County, and immediate family members residing with the property owners in Walton County may obtain a permit for the use of a properly registered and authorized vehicle along the designated limited access areas on the beaches of Walton County, if the following criteria are met, in addition to any other requirements contained in this Code:

a. The person applying for the permit must have had a permit as of the effective date of this ordinance and for the year preceding the date of application. Each parcel of property shall only be entitled to one vehicle permit and one boat trailer permit each year.

b. The real property shall have constructed on it a habitable residence.

c. The ad-valorem taxes for the real property shall not be delinquent.

d. The vehicle being registered must be titled in the name of the permit holder.

e. Proof of real property ownership (such as a deed or tax receipt) and proof of residency (such as voter’s registration card, homestead exemption card, or driver’s license) must be presented to the Tax Collector at the time of application to document the requirements of this section. For property titled in the name of a business or owned by multiple owners, the person applying for the permit shall show proof that they own a controlling interest in the property or that they are otherwise entitled to obtain a permit for the property. “Controlling interest in the property or that they are otherwise entitled” means that the person applying for the permits owns more than 50% ownership interest in the property or has a resolution signed by the other owners of the property grants the person applying for the permit the authority to apply for the permit.

(ii) Walton County Real Property Owners, Non-Residents.

Walton County real property owners may obtain a permit for the use of a properly registered and authorized vehicle along the designated limited access areas on the beaches of Walton County, if the following criteria are met, in addition to any other requirements contained in this Code:

a. The person applying for the permit must have had a permit as of the effective date of this ordinance and for the year preceding the date of application. Each parcel of property shall only be entitled to one vehicle permit and one trailer permit each year.

b. The real property shall have constructed on it a habitable residence.

c. The ad-valorem taxes for the real property shall not be delinquent.

d. The vehicle being registered must be titled in the name of the permit holder.

e. Proof of real property ownership (such as a deed or tax receipt) must be presented to the Tax Collector at the time of application to document the requirements of this section. For property titled in the name of a business or owned by multiple owners, the person applying for the permit shall show proof that they own a controlling interest in the property or that they are otherwise entitled to obtain a permit for the property. “Controlling interest in the property or that they are otherwise entitled” means that the person applying for the permits owns more than 50% ownership interest in the property or has a resolution signed by the other owners of the property grants the person applying for the permit the authority to apply for the permit.

(iii) Walton County Charter Fishing Operations; 20 15 Permits Total.

Under this section (c) (iii), there shall be a limit of 20 15 permits total to be issued which shall be issued to the first 20 15 applicants to file completed applications. Walton County residents that are also licensed charter boat captains and operate charter fishing businesses in Walton County (“Charter Operator”) may obtain a permit for the use of a properly registered and authorized vehicle along the designated limited access areas of the beaches of Walton County, if the following criteria are met, in addition to any other requirements contained in this Code:

a. The vehicle and boat trailer being registered shall be owned by the Charter Operator and used for the charter operation.

b. Proof of residency (such as voter’s registration card, homestead exemption card, or driver’s license) must be presented to the Tax Collector at the time of application.

c. Proof of a current Coast Guard Captain’s license.

d. Proof of a current Florida charter fishing license.

A copy of the beach access permit and the application showing the name of the individual to whom it was issued must remain in the vehicle while being operated on the beach. Additionally, at all times while a properly permitted vehicle and boat trailer are on the designated limited access area, the properly permitted vehicle and properly permitted boat trailer shall remain connected to the properly permitted vehicle.

(d) The Walton County Tax Collector will issue the permits annually upon receipt of a completed application. The Walton County Tax Collector shall retain $10.00 ( ten dollars) as a processing fee. On or about October 1 of each year the Walton County Tax Collector shall submit to the Walton County Board of County Commissioners a written report of the number of permits that have been issued during the current year.

(e) Only four-wheel drive vehicles that have a current motor vehicle registration to be driven on the highways shall be permitted.

(f) The designated limited access area permit described in subsection (c) above, shall cost the sum of $125.00 per vehicle. One decal (vehicle permit) shall be issued for each vehicle authorized to use the limited access area. Permanently disabled persons landowners, who meet the requirements of subsection (c) above, upon proof of disability (Florida Handicap Parking Placard, SSI Disability letter, etc.), will be eligible to receive a temporary permit from the Code Enforcement Department at no cost.

(g) In addition to the designated limited access area permit described in subsection (c) above, individuals launching boats shall be required to have a corresponding trailer decal for an additional $30.00. The decal shall be placed on the tongue of the trailer.

(h) The speed limit of authorized vehicles along the designated limited access on the public beaches of Walton County shall be five miles per hour.

(i) Any reckless driving along the designated limited access of the public beaches shall constitute a violation of this article.

(j) Conviction for violation of this article shall result in automatic revocation of the vehicle permit.

(k) All permits issued shall be for a period of one year and will expire June 30th of each year.

(l) Permitted vehicles are not allowed on the beach other than in the designated limited access areas.

(m) All access areas shall be appropriately marked and designated as such.

(n) Driving is prohibited from 10:00 p.m. until sunrise, with the exception of vehicles launching or recovering boats. All vehicles launching boats must be parked in designated parking areas.

(o) All-terrain vehicles are not permitted on the public beach. All-terrain vehicles used by sheriff department officers, South Walton Fire Department, and county employees for official business may be driven on the beach. Beach vendor permits issued by Walton County may include all-terrain vehicles that are restricted to setting up and breaking down vending sites only. Private security all-terrain vehicles may obtain a beach vendor permit, for a reduced fee of $100, which will allow them to access the beach within the limits specified in the permit.

Section 3. Severability

In the event that any portion of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct, and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance.

Section 4. Effective Date

This Ordinance shall become effective when filed with the Secretary of State.

Adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Walton County, Florida, at a duly advertised public hearing, this day of ____________, 2010.



Attest:_______________________________ BY:________________________________

Martha Ingle Scott Brannon, Chair
Clerk of Court

Ann's Personal Opinion: