Grayton has lots of underground utilities including TV/internet cables, gas lines, phone lines, and electrical lines. Before you DIG please call 811 annd the companies will come out and mark where the lines are. There is no cost for this service.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Monday, September 22, 2008

Dune Lakes Openings

Recent Storms and the Sand at Grayton

If you are wondering how the beaches at Grayton faired after the recent hurricanes in the Gulf...check out the following article from the Sun.

Sunday, September 14, 2008


It is with many regrets that your GBNA Board has decided to cancel the October Street Party that has been held in October in the past. Last year there was a very small turnout and contracts for food and a live band had already been signed. It was a very large expense with a turnout of less than 40 members. It seemed to the board that October was a busy month for our members with football games and family obligations. There just didn't seem to be a perfect weekend to choose for this year's party. Your Board has decided to put future October parties or perhaps a second party at a different time on the agenda for our annual meeting to be held next year. This will allow the Board to get feedback from our membership.

The Board would be happy to have any future party suggestions emailed to us from our membership. You can do that by using the following email: or by leaving a comment on this blog entry.

Friday, September 12, 2008

July Minutes

Grayton Beach Neighborhood Association Meeting
July 17th, 2008

The GBNA meeting was held at Grant Blackwell's home on July 17th at 4:30 PM. The members present were:
Grant Blackwell
Ann Morrell
Pat Murphy
Shirley Sahlie
Jean Silva (conference call)
Linda Eyre (conference call)

Guest: Larry Jackson
Frank Moultrie (ABSENT)

The meeting began with the reading and approval of last month's minutes, followed by a brief discussion about the July 4th parade. It was agreed that Kitty Taylor would take charge of "hosting" the event, by sending out flyers, procuring the refreshments and providing the space for the gathering. Grant agreed to begin the parade by reminding potentially overenthusiastic paraders to be respectful of the spectators.

Treasurer’s Report

Shirley S. reported that landscaping services from Blue Mountain Lawn and Plant Cr cost $45 in June and $125 in July. Larry J. requested reimbursement for $12.44 for GBNA business expenses. A July 14th deposit of $250 was made from new and renewed memberships.
( August 2008 Update: Shirley S. and Pat M. updated the signature page for Bank Trust as per the June meeting discussion. Currently, the approved signatures for accessing GBNA funds are: Larry J., Ann M., Pat M., and Shirley S.)


Larry J. updated our membership info for us: GBNA currently has the same number of members (167) as last year, but fewer lots (205 lots this year/210 lots last year). There are 25 new members - some replaced ex-members, of which 22 were non-renewals. Larry recommended that he draft a letter, to encourage non-renewing members to rejoin. Ann M. will attend to the mailings.

Capital Improvements and Concerns

Grant B. updated us on his continued discussions with County Commissioner Cindy Meadows regarding road and drainage improvements. Although the potholes have been filled, and sand has been added near the pump station, other road repairs have not been addressed such as right of way maintenance and upgrading speed bumps. Grant has agreed to set up an August meeting with Cindy and Mr. Brown from the Public Works department to walk around the community and see firsthand what needs to be done.
All members expressed their frustration at the lack of county services for our community, including adequate and timely road repairs, beach access and right of way upkeep, law enforcement and traffic control. Grant suggested that we approach both the county and the media and stress our historic importance to the Walton community. On a positive note, Ann mentioned that she posted a link to the New York Times article about Grayton on the blogsite.
This led to a discussion of how to go about researching Grayton's history. Ann, Shirley and Pat agreed to begin the process of soliciting information by interviewing some of the older residents, and contacting the library for old books, photos and Grayton Art Festival posters. It was agreed that this information would help in establishing a timeline, which could be useful in seeking a historical designation for the town. The October street dance and party was proposed as the best place to start gathering stories and assistance in the task.


A discussion was held as to why we aren't getting any input from association members. Ann commented that although the blog has received over 2000 hits, there is little to no e-mail correspondance from members. (Larry and Ann check the correspondance regularly). It was suggested that we revisit our communications methods, and investigate adding online surveys and forums, and bulk e-mailing to either the webpage or blogsite. Since the webpage is paid until March, Grant agreed to contact his tech-savvy cousin to critique the current page and help us to decide what to do.

Landscape Triangle

Since the cost of providing electricity to the landscaped triangle could run as high as $2800 with conventional wiring, it was agreed that a solar panel would provide the most economical means of lighting the area. Larry J. has agreed to procure the solar lights.

Beach Committee

The board members agreed that before forming a beach committee, (see June blog), we should decide which communications method - improved webpage, online survey, online forum - will be the best method of sharing ideas and concerns with other association members.

GBNA Logo Contest

As a final note, Ann commented that she still has received only two entries for the GBNA logo contest. Send in your entries! (by hand, or via this blog)

The next board meeting will be held on Thursday, August 21st, at 4:30 at Ann Morrell’s house. *Note: This meeting was cancelled due to the fact that several members could not attend, The next meeting date is TBA.
Meeting adjourned.
Submitted by
Pat Murphy