Grayton has lots of underground utilities including TV/internet cables, gas lines, phone lines, and electrical lines. Before you DIG please call 811 annd the companies will come out and mark where the lines are. There is no cost for this service.

Sunday, October 9, 2011


Got Trash other than your regular weekly garbage...better check to see what Waste Management will or will not pick up.
Here are there rules:Garbage Pickup Services

Waste Management collects household garbage according to the following provisions:
* No more than ten bags or five bundles of no more than 50 pounds each for single family residential units
* Limbs of no more than three inches in diameter and four feet in length bundled together in manageable bundles
* Bagged leaves and grass
* Bags and containers with handles must be placed next to the side of the street for collection.

For customers who use enclosures or bins, we ask that you install a gate so that our drivers don't have to lift cans over the enclosure.

Yard Trash
Yard trash is vegetation resulting from landscaping maintenance, including:
* Grass clippings
* Shrubbery cuttings
* Dry leaves
* Palm fronds
* Small tree branches (no more than 4 feet in length and three inches in diameter)
* Bushes or shrubs
* Green leaf cuttings
* Fruits

Yard trash does not include:
* Large branches or trees
* Bulky, uncontained material
* Matter or debris resulting from tree removal, tree surgery, or professional
* Debris from land clearing or development
* Waste from home improvement
* Hazardous or Special waste

Contact Waste Management
Ph: (850) 835-0248
Hours 8:00 am - 5:00 pm   Monday - Friday

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