Grayton has lots of underground utilities including TV/internet cables, gas lines, phone lines, and electrical lines. Before you DIG please call 811 annd the companies will come out and mark where the lines are. There is no cost for this service.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Driving on the Beach Proposed 2011 Ordinance

For those interested in the new driving on the Beach Ordinance that will be addressed and likely voted on this coming Tuesday at the County Commissioner's Meeting, here is a link to the new draft.
 The "registered Voter only" is now removed from the draft. The dates for the lottery of the 150 new permits has been changed and updated also, So for those Grayton folks who missed out for one reason or another on getting a permit ....this lottery is your chance to apply and get a permit that is good for one year only. Those of you who have an annual "grand fathered type permit" need to renew your application starting May 1st

I suggest that you read the whole ordinance that can be found at the following link.....
 There are new deadline dates for applications both for new permits and "grandfathered" permits.

I will be posting the results of the Feb. 8th County Commissioner's Meeting that evening on the blog. So if you are following this you can check the blog that evening to find out the outcome.

PLEASE NOTE that the lottery applications need to be submitted between April 1st and May 10th as the lottery selection will be conducted by the Tax Collector Office on May 15th and if you are one of the 150 lucky individuals, the Tax Office will notify you and then you can purchase a one year permit on June 1st.
For those out of town you can download a Driving on the beach permit at:
(I don't think I would do anything with the application until after the results of the Feb 8th meeting as I am sure that it will be updated.)


  1. Grayton does indeed have a rich and vibrant history and future in front of itself. Driving on the beach is a unique aspect giving some flavor to Grayton and has been this way for 50 years.

    Sometimes though change can be indeed a good thing. In the past several decades mass development on 30A has arrived. Beachgoers can easily enjoy going to most any beach along 30A because there's access up and down 30A with plenty of nearby parking.

    I'm a proponent of only giving access to beach driving to 15 fishing charters. The fact that the proposal may exclude members of the Grayton community to the benefit of others way out in Walton county is a sad result coming from consensus building. Leaving only fishing charters to have access limits the deeply packed treads in our beautiful beach and may also remove the enormous amounts of trash from the beach because people can haul less onto the beach if they have to walk.

    50 years ago there were a lot of different things going on. Kids used to run behind trucks spraying DEET to minimize mosquitos, smoking was widely accepted and people didn't use seatbelts and death from automobiles on a per capita basis was much higher. This does not minimize the recognition that there were a lot of great things going on 50 years ago like tighter families.

    Looking back on these examples, we are able to say that change is a good thing. Instead of fighting for individual access to Grayton Beach with a permit, we may all be better off if we organize and encourage folks to limit beach permitting only to fishing charters.


  2. Dear Anoymous,

    Interesting Comment. Personally I don't agree with it but do agree you have a right to your opinion. Why should fishermen be the only ones to drive down on our beach? What gives them more rights than others? They are small businesses that are using a public beach in a small community as their "store front" so to speak. Pretty cheap rent don't you agree? They don't even have to own property in Walton county to get a permit.

    Grayton is a historical community and driving on the beach has always been a part of the Grayton experience for those of us who live here in Grayton. If anyone has the right to drive on the beach it should be those of us who live in the will be interesting to hear the outcome of the meeting on the 8th. Thanks for taking the time to comment.
